
Investigators to look carefully into all versions and possible causes of collision of motor vessel and barge in Irtysh River in Omsk Region

The West Siberian Transpor Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s investigative Committee continues investigating criminal cases launched into signs of crimes under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Criminal Code (violation of safety rules for traffic and operation of internal water transport entailing by negligence death of two or more people) and part 3 of article 293 (negligence).

We remind that on 17 August 2013, at about 1:30 PM local time the passenger motor vessel Polesie-8 of OAO Omsk River Port (OJSC) travelling from Omsk to the village of Achair collided with the barge B-908, stamp RT-817 of OOO Priboy (LLC) at 1,857th km of the Irtysh River, due to which was damaged and sank partially. 4 people were killed in the accident, 2 more died in hospitals afterwards and 47 passengers and 2 crew members were injured.

By the present moment, the investigators have additional examined the Polesye-8 motor vessel, questioned a specialist on possible faultiness of the vessel, questioned the senior officials and other officials of OAO Omsk River Port, of Ob-Irtysh Office for state sea and river surveillance of the Federal transport Surveillance Service, fixed a technical, navigation and other forensic examinations.

In addition the commission of Ob-Irtysh Office for state sea and river surveillance has made a conclusion as to the cause of accident. The investigators are going to analyze the document and check the conclusions.

Investigation is ongoing.