
In Irkutsk Region investigators finish examining An-12 crash scene

The investigating bodies of the East Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate continue investigating the criminal case launched over December 26, 2013, An-12 cargo plane crash in the suburbs of Irkutsk as containing signs of the crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of rules for safety air traffic safety entailing death of two or more people by negligence).

The investigating team of the East Siberian Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished examining the crash scene. The remaining part of the plane and its fragments found at the scene have been passed over to the Commission of the Russian Ministry of Trade and Industry for detailed examination and analysis. The investigators have seized samples of fuel from the tanks of the plane. A forensic chemical expert examination has been set to determine its quality. The personal belonging of the victims found at the scene have been seized and analyzed, in the near future they are going to be passed over to the victims’ relatives.

At present investigators are identifying and questioning witnesses from among military personnel of the military unit, the plane crashed at, and local people.

Other investigating operations to find all the circumstances of the crash are underway. Investigation is ongoing.