
Head of Moscow construction company to stand trial for rendering services not meeting life safety requirements while building house for families of veterans of the Great Patriotic War in Veliky Novgorod

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Novgorod Region have finished investigating a criminal case against head of ZAO Diversified enterprise Concern Energiya (CJSC) charged with the crime under part 1 of article 238 of the RF Penal Code (rendering services, which do not meet safety requirements for people’s lives and health).

According to investigators, on 28 August 2011, Construction and Roads Committee of Novgorod Region, Capital Construction Directorate of Novgorod Region and ZAO Diversified enterprise Concern Energiya registered in Moscow concluded a state contract on turnkey construction of House for the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the block 200 in Veliky Novgorod. The budget allocated over 17 million rubles for the construction. In the period between October 2011 and September 2012, the accused being in charge of fulfillment and quality of construction did not stick to the project and on his own initiative without endorsement with the general designer, out in the documents amendments regarding balcony bracing and railings which made them heavier. This way the accused fulfilled work which do not meet safety requirements for consumers’ lives and health. As the result in the evening of 9 February 2013 in micro-district Krechevitsy in Nizhny Novgorod when the snow went down from the roof of a three-storey house put in operation in late 2012, two balconies on the third floor collapsed. There were no casualties.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and the criminal case has been forwarded for the indictment to be approved and then to court to be tried on the merits.