
In Moscow criminal case against Georgy Martirosyan charged with killing three women sent to court

Moscow Main Investigation Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has finished investigating a criminal case against Georgy Martirosyan. He is charged with the crimes under part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder of two or more persons, four counts of the crime under article 162 (robbery) and article 228 (illegal drug dealing).

According to investigators, Martirosyan got information that his victims had considerable sums of money and came to their homes for allegedly magic ceremonies. There he put some heroine in women’s drinks, and after the victim was helpless, injected them with lethal dose of the drug. Acting this way, the man stole over 6.5 million rubles and some jewelry.

In addition Martirosyan had a website to advertise his services. He also had new clients on recommendations. The most popular was the ceremony for more money. The investigators believe, that the accused gained confidence of his clients, asked about the amount of money they had, came to their homes to assess the situation. To make the rite he needed all the money the client had. This way one of the victims, a 21-year-old model from Nizhniy Novgorod took from her home a large sum of money meant to buy a car. The victims in the second count, a 38-year-old woman and her 21-year-old daughter came to Moscow from Krasnodar and were going to buy a flat.

During the investigation the accused did not plead guilty. The criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.