
In Moscow chief of Domodedovo police suspected of exceeding office

Moscow Main Investigation Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee during an investigation started earlier have discovered evidence proving that deputy chief – chief of police of line department of the Interior Ministry in the Domodedovo airport of transport office of the Interior Ministry in the Central Federal District Maxim Titov was involved in the crime. He is suspected of the crime under paragraph “c” of part 3 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (exceeding official powers).

According to investigators, in April 2012, police officers led by Titov, who then was the deputy chief of Kommunarsky police department of Leninsky district Office of the Interior Ministry in Moscow, without legal grounds and with groundless use of force detained five citizens and beat them up. One of the victims suffered medium-range bodily harm.

The suspect has been detained. Investigating operations necessary to find out all the circumstances of the crime are underway. Investigators are going to press charges on Titov and put him under restraint. Investigation is ongoing.