
Criminal cases against Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov taken under proceedings by Central Federal District Investigations Directorate

The Central Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has taken under proceedings two criminal cases against Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov and his accomplices. This decision was made because there are many counts and necessity to conduct investigation both in Yaroslavl Region and outside.

We remind that Yaroslavl mayor Yevgeny Urlashov, deputy mayor Dmitry Donskov, head of agency for municipal orders Maxim Poykalaynen, advisor to mayor Alexey Lopatin are charged with attempted bribe-taking on an especially large scale (part 2 of article 30, part 6 of article 290 of the RF Criminal Code), Andrey Zakharov is charged with attempted mediation in bribery (part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 291.1). In the second case Urlashov also charged with taking a bribe of 500 thousand rubles.

During the prove investigators have seized from a number of media in Yaroslavl Region materials of TV programs, where the accused took part. They are going to be used for phonoscopic expert examinations in order to identify the voices in the materials of the investigators. In addition, medical forensic expert examinations of the accused have been assigned. At present they are being interviewed using video recording. In the near future investigators are going to ask the court to dismiss Urlashov as Yaroslavl mayor.

At the same time investigators are carefully checking Urlashov’s acitivty over the whole period of his office. It is possible that they will find other facts of his illegal actions. In this case, all of them will be legally qualified.