
Staff of Vladimir Region Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee met with Great Patriotic War veterans on eve of Victory Day

On the eve of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the staff of the Vladimir Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation met with war veterans.

Boris Nikolayevich Pavlov - participant of war with Japan, was awarded the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree, the medal "For Victory over Japan"

Nikolay Matveyevich Shchelkonogov - war veteran, was at the front from 1943 to 1945, participated in the liberation of Belarus, in the Battle of Berlin, was awarded the Order of the Soldier’s Glory III degree, the Order of the Great Patriotic War II degree

Rinat Hayevich Kadyrych - was a student of the 1st Suvorov Military School during the Great Patriotic War, a member of the Council of Elders of Russia "Cadet Brotherhood"

A 5 -year-old son of the first deputy head Andrei Nikolaevich Egorov – Ilya gave flowers to the veterans, which symbolized a continuous connection of times and generations.

Sitting at a round banquet table, in an atmosphere of high gratitude, Directorate staff listened to stories of distinguished people whose achievement cannot be overstated.

Unfortunately, the number of veterans grows smaller every year, and so it is important to collect history from war veterans, who are testifying the truth and are sincerely worried about the patriotic feelings in modern society.

Young investigators assured the veterans that they will be true to the high ideals of the older generation and will faithfully serve the Fatherland.

The Head of the Investigations Directorate Alexander Yelantsev congratulated veterans on the Victory Day, thanked them for their tireless willingness to share their experiences with the younger generation responsible for peace on earth.

Veterans received gifts from employees of the Investigations Directorate.