
In Moscow gang members found guilty of kidnapping to get hold of apartment

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by Moscow Main Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict Makhir Pashayev, Zhanna Parshuk and Yevgeny Nekrasov. They were found guilty of crimes under paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 126 of the RF Penal Code (kidnapping) and part 3 of article 30, part 4 of article 159 (attempted fraud on a very large scale).

The court and investigators have found that no later than 2008 Pashayev set up a criminal group to misappropriate apartments of citizens who live alone in Moscow. He involved Parshuk and Nekrasov in the group. Parshuk would get acquainted with people living alone in Moscow and by deceit got hold of their apartment ownership documents necessary to complete registration. Then she would give the document to Nekrasov, who used a forged power of attorney from the victims and reregistered their apartments. Simultaneously, during the period necessary for reregistration, Parshuk and other members of the group took the owners of apartments outside Moscow and held them there until their ownership passed to other people. This way in 2008, the accomplices by deceit kidnapped the owner of an apartment in the town of Zelenograd and took him in the Novgorod Region. They got hold of the ownership documents and forged a power of attorney for Nekrasov. Then they tried to conclude a sales agreement with transfer of ownership of the apartment. They failed to complete their scam as the crimes were revealed and they were arrested by the police.

The criminal case relating to other counts of their criminal activity has been severed in a separate proceeding with the ongoing investigation.

The court has sentenced Pashayev to 12 year, Nekrasov to 3.5 years to be served in a maximum-security penal colony. Parshuk got 9 years to be served in a minimum-security penal colony.