
Schoolgirl killing suspects detained in Shukovsky, Moscow Region

A dead body of a 14-year-old girl with signs of violent death was found on 24 April 2015 in a front garden of a house in in Frunze street in the town of Zhukovsky. Zhukovsky investigations office of Moscow Region Main Investigations Directorate has launched a criminal investigation in a crime under part 1 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder).

Two suspects have been identified and detained on hot scent during investigative and search operations. They are a 14-year-old classmate of the victim and his 18-year-old friend.

At present investigators have finished examining the crime scene and questioning the suspects. The classmate explained to the investigator that had planned the murder beforehand because disliked the girl for a long time. To do that he asked his friend for help and they committed the murder together.

A number of forensic inquiries have been assigned including those that will confirm or disprove information about sex abuse of the victim.

Custodial restraint is expected soon.