
In Bryansk former head of city administration to stand trial for abuse of power

Bryansk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigating a criminal case against former head of Bryansk administration Sergey Smirnov. He is charged with a crime under paragraph “c” of part 3 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of power entailing grave consequences).

According to investigators, in December 2009, Smirnov illegally signed permissions to commission 8 blocks of flats in the village of Belye Berega, in the city of Bryansk, which were not finished by OOO EvroOtdelka at the time. As a result the houses were built without project documentation with gross violations of construction norms and state standards. Later the said houses were bought by Bryans administration to make part of municipal property and people were resettled there from ramshackle houses and buildings under threat of collapse. In October 2014, the houses were recognized prone to collapse and subject to be demolished. According to experts the total sum of pecuniary damage stands at 119 million rubles. To compensate for the damage a court arrested property of the accusued: a 4-room flat, a house and property in one of the districts in the region.

The case was opened based on the materials provided by the bodies of the Federal Security Service and prosecutor’s Office. During the investigation the accused was remanded in custody.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence so the case has been forwarded for the indictment to be approved and them to be sent to court to be tried on the merits.