
In Rostov Region investigators check reasons of group illness in children

On July 5, 2015, the investigative authorities received a report on a group illness in minors in one of the children's recreation centers located in Neklinovka District of Rostov Region. Investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Rostov Region are now carrying out pre-investigation checks into this fact.

According to investigators, On July 3 and 4, 2015, children spending vacation in the children's recreation center sought medical aid with complaints of vomiting and high body temperature. 

The investigator examined the crime scene, took samples offood and water which the children had consumed. Also, samples of sea water were taken from the place of children's bathing. The necessary laboratory tests have been scheduled. Specialists of Neklinovsky Dictrict Central Hospital conducted a medical examination of all children and staff. To date, no new cases of illness have been revealed. The sick are in a stable and satisfactory condition with a positive dynamics towards recovery.

All the circumstances of the incident and the reasons for illness in minors will be setablished during the check. The procedural decision will be made upon its completion.