
Two cases opened against members of religious groups on suspicion of hatred and enmity incitement in Stavropol Territory

The Stavropol Territory investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have opened two criminal cases against 5 members of religious groups suspected of crimes under paragraph “c” of part 2 of article 282 of the RF Penal Code (incitement of hatred and enmity).

According to investigators the suspects, who are followers of Old Russian Ingling Orthodox Old Believers Church, united into two separate religious groups to act in Pyatigors and Mineralnye Vody. The members spread their beliefs that one race was exceptional and superior to all the others, while another one was inferior. They also propagated ideas humiliating dignity of others based on their different nationality, language and attitude to the religion. To do that the members of the religious groups actively used the Internet, made accounts in social networks, published and sold printed materials.

 Their illegal activity was revealed and documented by operative units of the Stavropol Region Office of the Federal Security Service and main Office of the Russian Ministry of the Interior.

At present investigative and search operations are underway to identify others who might be involved in the crimes and to collect necessary evidence. The investigation is ongoing.