
CEO of two mining companies to stand trial in Magadan for tax crimes

The Magadan Region investigative bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigation against the CEO of two mining companies. He is charged with crimes under paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 199 of the RF Penal Code (evasion of corporate tax by putting false information in tax report committed on a very large scale).

According to investigators, in the period between February 2010 and April 2012, the accused the accused wanting to evade paying corporate income tax submitted to Magadan Region tax inspectorate No 3 tax reports where he had put knowingly false information about the expense of OOO Alif and Bariy, which would lower the sum of the income, and thus he evaded paying the tax. As a result of his wrongdoing the unpaid tax debt stands at about 38 million rubles.

The wrongdoings of the accused were revealed during checks carried out by officials of the Federal Tax Service for Magadan Region and Economic Crimes and Corruption Department of the regional office of the Russian Ministry of the Interior.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the approved incitement will soon be sent to court to be tried on the merits.