
Seven members of illegal armed group to stand trial in Ingushetia for felonies

The Ingushetia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigation against 7 residents of Ingushetia. Depending on the role of each one they are charged with crimes under part 2 of article 209 of the RF Penal Code (banditry), part 2 of article 20 (membership in an armed group not authorized by the federal laws), article 317 (attempt on the life of a law-enforcement official), part 3 of article 222 (illegal circulation of firearms committed by an organized group), part 3 of article 223(illegal manufacture of firearms by an organized group), paragraphs “a”, “b” of part 4 of article 226 (stealing of firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices committed by an organized group using force).

According to investigators, between March and September 2014, the accused obtained firearms, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices, including: 5.45 mm Kalashnikov guns; a pistol remade to fire 9 mm bullets, ammunition to sub-machine guns and the pistol, improvised explosive devices, explosives, mobile phones, web gears, cartridge pouches, sets of camouflaged uniforms, which were planned to be used during crimes. To store it all they had arranged a cache in the town of Karabulak located in an open pit near a concrete goods factory and bought a VAZ-21099 vehicle.

To implement their criminal intentions, the members of the gang made improvised explosive devices, which they set on the doors of several alcohol shops in Karabulak in different times in 2014. However, those explosives failed to go off as they were found by citizens and defused by the police.

Continuing their crimes, the members of the gang in order to prevent legal activity of a police officer in September 2014, they set an improvised explosive device to the gate to his house, which was found by the police officer and defused by specialists of OMON of the republican Ministry of the Interior at the scene.

Their activity was broken up by law-enforcement officials in September 2014. On 21 September 2014, the police were on the check raid and noticed the VAZ-21099, used by the criminals and which was blocked near a pond not far from Karabulak. The gangsters fought back and wounded a police officer, who later died of it on the way to hospital. The police officers fired back and killed one of the criminals, while the second one fled the scene with the gun he took from the killed police officer. The killed criminal had no IDs on him.

Thanks to close cooperation between the investigators and police officers, they managed to identify the killed criminal and 6 members of the armed group and their accomplice, who had been detained in different time in a short time. All of them were remanded in custody pending trial.

During the probe the investigators revealed facts of not promised in advance covering felonies, for which 4 residents of Ingushetia were prosecuted. The criminal cases against them were closed due to their active remorse.

A lot of witnesses and victims were questioned, a number of searches carried out and forensic medical inquiries run. A request was made to the Ministry of the Interior of Ingushetia to eliminate reasons and conditions contributing to the crimes.

At present the investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case against 6 members of the armed group and 1 accomplice with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits. The criminal case against the 7th criminal who had been killed was closed, three more suspects are wanted. The criminal case against them is severed to form a separate law suit.