
Two locals found guilty of felonies in Tatarstan

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by the Tatarstan investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict 25-year-old former convict Andrey Lazarev and his 16-year-old acquaintance. Depending on the role of each one they were found guilty of crimes under article 158 of the RF Penal Code (theft), part 1 of article 150 (involving of a minor into a crime), article 105 (murder), article 162 (robbery), article 167 (deliberate destruction or damage of property).

The court and investigators have revealed that in 2014, the defendants committed a series of felonies in Laishevo District. This way on 12 November 2014, they broke into the house in the village of Rozhdestveno, Laishevo District owned by a man, whom they thought had a lot of money. Lazarev beat up the victim with a plank and demanded to get inside the house and make him some coffee. They beat him again and tied him up, stole 11.6 thousand rubles worth of things, threw some paper around the house, set them afire and fled. The same day the got back and saw that the man had managed to get on the porch of the house which had not burned. Then they beat him again, forced him to crawl back into the house and Lazarev propped the door up with a plank. They set fire to the house and ran away. The man burned in the house.

A few days later, on 23 November, in the same village, the two men broke into the house of an 85-year-old woman. They had put on balaclavas and entered the house, where Lazarev hit the elderly woman several dozens of times with a spade handle. They stole 175 thousand rubles worth money and valuables and fled. The woman died on the spot of the injured.

 The next day Lazarev and his accomplice were held during a well-planned investigative and search operations. During the probe the investigators found out that Lazarev had been involved in a series of thefts committed in Laishevo District.

The court sentenced Lazarev to 23 years to be served in a maximum-security penal colony, while his underage accomplice got 9.5 in juvenile colony.