
Investigative Committee and Federal Security Service conduct massive operation to destroy network of underground gambling clubs in Sebastopol

Sebastopol investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have opened and are investigating a criminal case over illegal organization of gambling using gambling equipment outside a gambling zone (part 1 of article 171.2 of the RF Penal Code) based on the results of investigative and search operations carried out together with the Office of the Federal Security service for Crimea and Sebastopol.

In the evening of 23 October 2015, officials of the Sebastopol Investigations Directorate together with their colleagues from the Office of the Federal Security service for Crimea and Sebastopol carried out a massive operation to destroy over 10 underground gambling clubs.

During the operation they detained a number of people involved in the underground business, confiscated computer equipment used for the gambling and the gain.

At the present time necessary investigative and search operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of the crime and identify other people involved in illegal gambling. The investigation is ongoing.