
In Kirov Region, Mikhail Prokopyev and one of members of Prokopyevskiye gang start reading case files

The Kirov Region authority of the Investigative Committee has finished investigation against leader of Prokopyevskye gang Mikhail Prokopyev. He is charged with crimes under Part 1 of Article 210 of the RF Penal Code (organization of a criminal community), Part 1 of Article 209 (banditry), item “m”, Article 102 of the RSFSR Penal Code (murder), Part 2, items “a”, “f”, “g”, “h” and “j” of Article 105 (murder of two or more people), Part 3 of Article 222 (illegal purchase, transfer, selling, storage, transportation or carrying firearms, its parts and ammunition).

In 2014, while investigating criminal cases opened in previous years, the investigators got on the trail of organized criminal community Prokopyevskiye which acted in Kirov Region between 1990 and 2004. The organizer of the gang was Mikhail Prokopyev charged with six murders and an attempted murder of three.

The gang’s main income was from extortion of money and other belongings from businessmen and criminal control over their businesses.

The gangsters illegally bought firearms and ammunition to commit crimes. They committed a number of grave and very grave crimes over the period of their activity.

In addition, one of the members of the criminal community Pavel Kolpakov charged with crimes under Part 2 of Article 210 of the RF Penal Code (membership in a criminal community), Part 2, items “a”, “f” “g”, “h” and “j” of Article 105 (murder of two or more people) has also started reading the case files. According to the investigation, he joined the gang in 1995-1996, was its active member, joined its killing squad which committed very serious crimes. The investigators have revealed that Kolpakov was involved in triple murder committed in 1998 in the town of Kirov.

At present, final charges have been pressed against both Prokopyev and Kolpakov. They are going to go through more than 50 volumes of criminal files. After that the case will be sent for the indictment to be approved and then to court to be tried on the merits.