
In Krasnoyarsk Territory, policeman detained on suspicion of abuse of power using force against teenager

The Krasnoyarsk Territory Office of the Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against inspector of juvenile department of Abansky inter-district police station, major of police suspected of a crime under Part 3, item “a” of Article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of power using violence).

According to a preliminary version, on 15 May 2016, Abansky police station received a report that a VAZ 21063 was stolen. Sometime later a 17-year-old and his adult friend were held while driving the car in the village of Denisovo. Both of them were delivered to the police station, where three policemen questioned the teenager. During the questioning the inspector using psychological impact on the teenager, made him stand on his knees and hit and kicked him several times causing bruises and abrasions. It should be noted that the owner of the stolen car took back his report not wanting to put the teenager in jail.

The suspect has been detained. Investigative operations are underway to find out all the details of the crime. The investigation is ongoing,