
In Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area, investigative team finishes examination of Skol Mi-8 helicopter crash scene

The investigative team of the Investigative Committee’s Ural Transport Office together with criminalists of the Investigative Committee’s Central Office, members of the commission of the Interstate Aviation Committee and officials of Rosaviatsia (the Federal Agency of Aerial Transport) have finished examining the scene of a Mil Mi-8 helicopter crash that left 19 people dead.

All 19 bodies have been identified and given to the relatives by employees of the Novy Urengoi Forensic Medical Inquiry Office. In addition, personal belongings (cell phones, bank cards, jewelry, etc.) of the killed have been handed over to the relatives.

The belongings of the passengers and crew seized from the helicopter are continued to being examined, forensic medical examinations of the dead bodies have been assigned to find out the cause of death. Possible eye-witnesses of the crash and those delivered by the helicopter on 21 October 2016 to Suzun oil field in Krasnoyarsk Territory are being identified and questioned. The relatives of the killed have been recognized as victims and questioned. In addition, the wreckage has been prepared for being removed from the crash scene. It is planned to be taken away soon for further storage.

The Ural Transport Office of the Investigative Committee is investigative the case opened over a crime under Part 3 of Article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety standards for traffic and operation of an aircraft, entailing death of two or more people by negligence) following the Mi-8 crash.