Коррупционные преступления

In Republic of Dagestan, former Head of budgetary institution’s regional branch to stand trial for extortion and money laundering

The Dagestan Republican Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation has finished the investigation into the former Head of Regional Branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Road Administration Caspian”. He is charged with crimes specified in Part 6 of Article 290 (extortion on an especially large scale) and Paragraph B of Part 4 of Article 174.1 (legalization (laundering) of monetary funds or other property acquired by a person as a result of an offence committed by them) of the Criminal Code of Russia.

According to the investigation, in 2017, holding the indicated position, he extorted a bribe of 680 million rubles from the Director of Nart LLC through a mediator for signing documents providing the basis for payment under state contract concluded with the Federal Budgetary Institution “Road Administration Caspian” and promised otherwise to cause problems for the signing.

In order to make his illegal actions look legitimate, the perpetrator demanded from the head of the organization to arrange two forged contracts for 60 million rubles with DSK-2 LLC controlled by him.

With the purpose to legalize a part of the received bribe, the Head of the subsidiary purchased special equipment for 40 million rubles through DSK-2 LLC controlled by him.

He had not received the rest of the extorted bribe amounting to 620 million rubles for he was detained after the victim reported him to law enforcement bodies.

The investigation gathered enough evidence; therefore, the probe with the approved indictment will be sent to the court to be tried on the merits.