
Sentences have been passed on members of the Basayev and Khattab gang

Evidence gathered by the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Federal District was deemed sufficient by the court to convict residents of the Stavropol Territory, Kairbek Bakiev, Ilkhan Kanmurzaev, and Eldar Mashaev. They have been found guilty of crimes under Part 2 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the RF (participation in a stable armed group (gang) and the crimes committed by it), Article 279 of the Criminal Code of the RF (active participation in an armed rebellion to overthrow the constitutional order and violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation), and Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the RF (attempt on the lives of military personnel).

The investigation and the court have established that no later than in July 1999, Bakiev, Kanmurzaev, and Mashaev voluntarily joined the gang under the general leadership of Shamil Basaev and Emir Khattab and actively participated in committing particularly serious crimes. Thus, in August 1999, acting as part of Basaev and Khattab's stable armed group, militants armed with automatic weapons, grenades, and explosive devices, totaling no less than 1,000 people, actively participated in an armed rebellion. In an attempt to overthrow the constitutional order and violate the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, they attacked the lives of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who were ensuring public safety and restoring constitutional order in the Botlikh district of the Republic of Dagestan.

As a result of the massive targeted shooting carried out by the gang members, including Bakiev, Kanmurzaev, and Mashaev, 33 people were killed and 34 citizens received injures of various degrees.

By the verdict of the Southern District Military Court, Bakiev, Kanmurzaev, and Mashaev have been found guilty and sentenced to 15, 16, and 14 years of imprisonment, respectively, to be served in a high-security correctional colony.

In connection with the criminal case, 28 individuals have been put on the federal and international wanted lists. Criminal prosecution of seven other militants, including Basaev, was terminated due to their deaths.