
A soldier of the Nationalist "Azov" Regiment has been sentenced

The Supreme Court of the Donetsk People's Republic found the evidence gathered by the Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the United Group of Forces (Troops) as sufficient to convict Major Arsen Dmytryk, commander of the mortar battery of the 1st Operational Battalion of Military Unit 3057 of the Eastern Operational-Territorial Association of the National Guard of Ukraine (the nationalist "Azov" regiment, banned in the Russian Federation).

He has been found guilty of committing crimes under Part 1 of Article 356 (cruel treatment of civilians and the use of prohibited methods in an armed conflict) and clauses "a," "e," and "zh" of Part 2 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the RF (murder committed by a group of persons in a publicly dangerous manner out of hatred and enmity).

The investigation has established that on March 4, 2022, Dmytryk, with the aim of intimidating the civilian population and destroying civilian infrastructure, ordered subordinate military personnel to shell residential buildings and socially significant civilian infrastructure facilities in the Vostochny district of Mariupol, Donetsk People's Republic.

As a result, a woman and a man were killed by of 10 shots fired from a 120 mm 2S12 "Sani" mortar.

The court sentenced Dmytryk to life imprisonment (in absentia). He has been placed on an international wanted list.