
Check launched in Bryansk Region into information in Internet about violations by doctors during vaccination of school children

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Bryansk Region have organized a check into the information spread in internet that a number of medical personnel made violations during vaccination of school children.

Parents of a first-grader of No 45 school in Bryansk claim that on 8 October 2013, the medics made their son to make a flu inoculation. Before that the parents had signed a renunciation of all inoculations and a request to carry out any medical procedures in the presence of the mother as the boy suffers from the allergic asthma. As a result the boy had a high temperature for several days and the parents are afraid that there could be more consequences.

The investigators are going to find out all the circumstances of the incident and to give a proper qualification to the actions of those responsible. A procedural decision will be made following the check.