
Today Vladimir regional court starts trying criminal case into murder of minor Bogdan Prakhov

Today the Vladimir regional court starts closed process into murder of minor Bogdan Prakhov.

To solve this brutal and unobvious murder investigators have carried out a tremendous amount of work. The investigators had a version of a maniac and they could not rule out that the crime could have been repeated any moment. Therefore, first of all parents and staff of children’s facilities were warned against leaving children unattended. Of course, unprecedented measures were taken to find the culprit involving all law enforcement bodies in the region and criminologists of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee. The investigators decided to check on everyone who might have been somewhere near the crime scene using the most advanced forensic techniques. This way during a careful examination of the boy’s clothes they found microscopic biological traces. These traces were seized and subject to mass screening. Eventually the Main Forensic Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee carried out over 10 thousand DNA tests and got the result allowing identification of the culprit.

I can say that the investigators analyzed these data together with other evidence, including results of questioning of more than 20 thousand people and several tens of expert examinations, including forensic, molecular and DNA, dactylographic, tracealogical, botanical, soil, smell, biological and others. So the investigators had no doubts that the defendant was involved in the crime. The defendant’s personality was also studies carefully. On ethical considerations I do not name the defendant and would like to focus attention on the details, but I can say that the investigators had asked the court about psychiatric forensic examination, which showed deep mental disorder, and the man was found of diminished responsibility.

This way, the investigators have studied the circumstances of the crime in full and made objective conclusions. And from now on only the court can evaluate the evidence and decide on compulsive medical measures against the defendant.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                V.I. Markin