
Founder of perinatal rise center in Kaluga Region charged with establishing public association connected with violence

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in Kaluga Region continue investigating a criminal case over illegal activity of a public association (sect) in Maloyaroslavetsky district.

According to investigators, in 2002, a married couple from Moscow – Zhanna and Andrey Tsaregradkiye founded non-commercial partnership the Center of prenatal rise and breast feeding Rozhana to teach and provide practical assistance to young mothers. Disguised as the center, there was a sect acting in the village of Nikolayevka, Maloyaroslavetsky district. The sect had a strict hierarchical structure, involved a wide circle of people (no fewer than 14) and promoted principles of denying the family as a social institution, negative attitude to spouses (husbands), refusal of medical aid, education, work, military and alternative civil services, use of physical and psychological violence.

Zhanna Tsaregradskaya is charged with crimes under part 1 of article 239 of the RF Penal Code (creation of a public association, whose activity is connected with violence over citizens) and part 1 of article 282 (actions directed at inciting hatred or enmity and humiliation of human dignity over sex and belonging to a social group). The accused is on a pledge not to live Russia. Investigating operations are underway to finish the probe.

Earlier, in 2012, Zhanna Tsaregradslaya’s husband Andrey was found guilty of crimes under paragraph “a” of part 3 of article 111 of the RF Penal Code (deliberate cause of grievous bodily harm committed by a group of people), part 1 of article 112 (deliberate cause of moderate bodily harm) and part 1 of article 116 (beating).