
Staff of Volgograd Region Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee took part in Victory Day celebrations

Today, May 9, 2014, the leadership of the Investigations Directorate of the Volgograd Region took part in celebrations dedicated to the most important holiday that unites all citizens of our multinational country – the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

Together with heads of law enforcement agencies and local authorities, residents and visitors of the city, they paid tribute to all the veterans of the fiercest war. They commemorated the Red Army soldiers who had died in the battles for the future of our citizens by observing minute of silence and laying flowers at the Eternal Flame in the Square of Fallen Fighters of the Hero-City of Volgograd and at the Pantheon of Glory on the main high "Mamayev Kurgan".

Dear veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, staff of the Investigations Directorate heartily congratulates you on the Victory Day! Your feat has become a symbol of heroism, resilience and the strength of spirit. No matter how many generations grow up, the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for this victory will be eternal! We give a low bow to you, dear veterans, and keep a good memory of all the heroes who died before this bright day!