
In Vladimir Region former head of municipal institution accused of bribery and local businessman acting as mediator in bribery to stand trial

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in the Vladimir Region have finished investigating criminal cases against former acting director of Vladstroyzakazchik, a municipal budgetary institution, Sergey Tsarkov, charged with a crime under paragraph “c” of part 5 of article 290 of the RF Penal Code (bribery on an especially massive scale), and local businessman Stepan Shemetov who acted as a mediator in bribery by an official (paragraph “b” of part 3 of article 291-1).

According to investigators in December 2013 as a result of a tender a local company got a right to execute a 5 million 500 thousand rubles worth municipal order on installing plastic windows in school No 29 in the city of Vladimir. During the execution of the contract Shemetov acting on behalf of head of Vladstroyzakazchik, who was the contractor the work, offered the businessman to give Tsarkov a bribe of 500 thousand rubles for problem-free signature of acceptance certificates and timely payment until the end of the financial year.

Realizing a chance of bureaucratic interference in his business, the businessman had to agree on those illegal demands of the accused.

After the certificates had been signed and money transferred to the account of the company, on 9 January 2014, Shemetov assisting Tsarkov’s intention received from a representative of the contractor 450 thousand rubles to be given to Tsarkov.

In the interests of the state, investigators have taken steps to arrest personal belongings of the accused, including a piece of land, flats, a house and cars.

The investigators have gathered enough evidence, therefore, the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.