
In Kirov Region pre-investigating check launched into dismantling of memorial to soldiers of Great Patriotic War

The investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee in the Kirov Region are carrying out a pre-investigative check against head of Ilyinskoye rural settlement of Slobodskoy district Tatyana Yakimova.

According to initial data, despite the requirements of the federal legislation providing for the duty of the local authorities to restore memorials and constructions immortalizing memory of the killed, Tatyana Yakimova exceeded her official powers and issued a decision to take down (dismantle) the monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War in the village of Saltyki, Slobodskoy district.

At present the dismantled (partly destroyed) monument is in Ilyinskoye.

An investigator has examined the incident scene in the presence of the specialist of architecture office, specialist in charge of material, technical and cultural heritage, local authorities, representatives of artistic associations and the association of sculptures. All of them are going to answer questions: was the monument dangerous for people’s health? And could it be restored without dismantling? On the basis of studies and conclusions of the specialists an expert conclusion will be made on the order of the investigator. Besides, there are more checkups to be run.

A procedural decision will be made following the check.