
At investigators’ request third defendant in case of Naro-Fominsk train crash put under house arrest

The Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee continues investigating a criminal case opened over a crime under part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code (violation of safety standards for traffic and operation of railway transport entailing death of two or more people by negligence).

Investigators charged Nikolai Ivhcenko, master of measurement and track examination brigade on section No 3 of Moscow-Kiev distance of railway of Central Infrastructure Directorate of OAO Russian Railways, of violating safety for traffic and operation of railway transport entailing death of two or more people by negligence (part 3 of article 263 of the RF Penal Code). During a questioning Ivchenko admitted his guilt. At the investigators’ request a court ruled to put Ivchenko under house arrest. Earlier charges of a crime under part 3 of article 263 were pressed against foreman of Moscow-Kiev distance Alexander Sokolov and supervisor of 3rd section of Moscow-Kiev distance Alexey Vinogradov. Both men are in custody pending the trial.

On 20 May 2014, at 12:34 PM, between Bekasovo-1 and Nara stations carriages of a freight train went off the track and collided with a passenger train traveling in the opposite direction from Moscow to Kishinev. 6 people died in the crash and 24 more suffered various injuries. 350 meters of railway was damaged. The crash caused Moscow railway – the branch of OAO Russian Railways material damage of over 9 million rubles.

The investigators have evidence that the workers of Moscow-Kiev distance of the railway violated rules during unplanned repairs to the track between Bekasovo-1 and Nara stations. Namely, they failed to notify drivers of the trains traveling on this route about the repairs and necessity to alter the routes. As a result, the driver of the freight train, when coming from a curve, was not able to stop the derailment and crash with the passenger train travelling in the opposite direction. Additionally, according to the investigators, the repairs were carried out breaching the temperature regime, that is it could not be done in hot weather; there were no signalmen, who would have given signals to the train drivers about the changes of traffic on this section of the track.

The investigators keep on establishing all the circumstances of the accident, as well as causes and conditions entailing the crash and serious consequences.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin