
Probe launched in disappearance of girl in Sverdlovsk Region

In the evening of 29 September 2015, the police of the town of Mikhailovks received a report that an 18-month-old girl who lived with her parents older sister in Titov street went missing. Considering that the girl is still unaccounted for, and to mobilize all the forces and means and activate search operations, the Sverdlovsk Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have opened an investigation in a crime under part “c” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Penal Code (murder of a child).

At present, investigators in cooperation with police officers and public are actively search for the girl, necessary investigative and search operations are underway to find out all the circumstances of her disappearance. Representatives of the regional investigations directorate including criminalists have set out for Mikhailovsk to coordinate activity of the investigative group.

It is known that the girl went missing in the evening of 29 September 2015, while being in the yard of the house where she lives with her parents and 13-year-old sister. On that day the parents were drinking alcohol, so the child was left without proper attendance. Therefore, during the probe the investigators are going by all means to analyze the activity of preventive bodies as to completeness and timeliness of preventive measures taken against the family the child is raised in. They are also going to assess how well the parents of the missing girl discharged their parental duty.