
Police officer in Sakhalin Region charged with authority abuse and negligence leading to murder of girl

The Sakhalin Region investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have finished investigation against a juvenile inspector of the district and juvenile police officers for Makarov District Department of the Ministry of the Interior Irina Melenchuk. She is charged with crimes under part 1 of article 286 of the RF Penal Code (abuse of office), part 2 of article 293 (negligence).

According to investigators, in the morning of 2 October 2014, the district and juvenile police officers for Makarov District Department of the Ministry of the Interior got a report that a noisy company of people were drinking alcohol in a flat where small children lived. The police and representatives of the Makarov District Education Department visited the flat and confirmed the information. There were strangers in the flat who drank alcohol together with the parents of two small girls so the children were confiscated from the family and transferred to hospital. On the same day, after having got sober, the girl’s mother came to the police department and asked the accused police officer to help her get her children back. The inspector, being aware that such kind of issues was not in her competence, agreed to give the children back to the woman. Abusing her authority the accused called the hospital and gave the nurse an illegal order to give the children back to their mother.

After that, realizing that there were conditions that might threaten the life and health of the children, the accused still failed to carry out preventive work with the parents.

This way, the inspector, aware of the immediate threat to the children’s life and health, violation of their rights and legal interests, facts that the parents evaded raising responsibilities, failed to take necessary and exhaustive measures to protect their rights which led to the drunk father killing his 3-month-old daughter on 18 October.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.