
Employee of village administration in Karelia found guilty of fraud

A court has recognized the evidence gathered by Karelia investigating bodies of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to convict land manager of the administration of Khiytola rural settlement, Lakhdenpokhya District, Karelia, Tataya Lekkoyeva. She was found guilty of crimes under parts 3 and 4 of article 159 of the RF Penal Code (fraud).

The court and investigators revealed that between September 2012 and April 2014, the accused committed frauds and illegally provided and registered the ownership and lease of 8 pieces of land. For that she got a fee of 6 million 950 thousand rubles. The accused was detained after she received the money.

The accused committed another fraud when getting ownership of a piece of land for building a holiday house, by filing with the Karelian office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadaster and Cartography the documents containing false information that there was a building on the property. This circumstance allowed her to get the land in ownership at cadaster cost, causing by this damage to the administration of Lakhdenpokhya District and administration of Khiytola rural settlement damage of over 400 thousand rubles.

The crime was solved thanked to well-planned investigative and search operations, carried out by investigators of the Committee together with officers of the Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Office of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia and Karelia.

The court has sentenced the woman to 4 years and 3 months in a minimum-security penal colony.