
In Sverdlovsk Region, investigation finished against “black realtors” accused of series of major crimes

The Sverdlovsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has finished the investigation against five citizens aged between 25 and 42 years Ikrom Raupov, Sadzhon Sidikov, Sergei Shanaurov, Yakov Shchukin, Andrei Migalaty.

Depending on the role of each one they are charged with crimes under Part 2, items “g” and “j” of Article 105 (murder committed by a group of people in collision with the purpose to conceal another crime), Part 3 of Article 33, Part 2, items “g” and “j” of Article 105 (organization of a murder by a group of people in collision), Part 2, items “a”, “c”, “d” and “h” of Article 126 (abduction by a group of people in collision using violence dangerous for life and health, using weapons or objects used as weapons out of mercenary motives), Part 2, item “b” of Article 179 (coercion to make a deal using violence), Parts 2 and 3 of Article 159 (fraud committed by a group of people in collision causing considerable damage to a citizen and on a large scale), Part 2 of Article 325 (stealing of passport), Part 3 of Article 33, Part 2 of Article 325 (organization of stealing of passport), Part 3, item “b” of Article 163 (extortion committed causing grievous bodily harm), Part 2 of Article 174.1 (money laundering), Part 3 of Article 30, Part 4 of Article 159 of the RF Penal Code (attempted fraud entailing deprivation of a citizen of their right to housing).

According to investigators, in July 2014, Raupov met Andrei Migalaty in the neighborhood by homless people. He learned that the latter had had a conflict with his brother Aleksandr who owned a room in a communal flat in Bilimbayevskaya Street in the city of Yekaterinburg.

After that on 7 July 2014, Andrei Migalaty, Sergei Shanaurov, Yakov Shchukin led by Ikrom Raupov arrived to to Aleksander’s place and using violence abducted him taking his passport. They transported the victim on a Dewoo Nexia car to a waste between garage cooperatives in Chelyuskintsev Street. Aware that he abused alcohol they gave him some spirits to coerce him to sign a power of attorney to take away his room.

The accomplices held Aleksandr for two days, giving him alcohol and coercing to sign the document. Later, on 9 July 2014, they took him to a notary in the town of Novaya Lyalya.

The intimidated and beaten victim signed the power of attorney at the notary’s office. Then he was transported back in Yekaterinburg, to the same waste, where Raupov and Shanaurov delivered at least 5 blows each to his head and torso threatening to kill him. On 11 July 2014, the victim managed to escape when the culprits had fallen asleep and reported them to the police.

The same way, in December 2014, Raupov met an alcoholic and having learned that he owned a two-room flat in Sovetskaya Street in the city of Yekaterinburg he regularly supplied him with alcohol thus staying in his flat. Sometime later the victim started trusted Raupov and while under the influence signed the agreement to sell his flat which also had a clause that the victim received 3 million rubles in cash for the flat.

Following Raupov’s orders, Sidikov and Shanaurov took the victim to Dorozhnik collective gardening property in the town of Alapayevsk and strangled him with a wire. They burned the dead body.

Another victim of “black realtors” was a 34-year-old woman who lived with her small son in a room in Krasnoflotsev Street in the city of Yekaterinburg. The woman suffered from mental deficiency and because of that was too trusting. In late February 2014, Raupov started living with the woman. He gained her trust by telling her about his sick daughter and a few days later started coercing the woman to sell the room. The woman also lost the housing to the accomplices.

The investigators have enough evidence so the criminal case has been referred to the Sverdlovsk Region Court.