
In Sverdlovsk Region, probe launched in 10 children injured at festival

On 4 June 2016, in the settlement of Baikalovo, during a celebration of the 50th anniversary of a local enterprise a trampoline The Obstacle Course overturned at a playground and injured 10 children aged between 13 and 6 years. Two of the children suffered broken arms, another 8 got bruises. The Sverdlovsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal investigation in a crime under Part 1 of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code (providing services that do not meet safety standards).

According to investigators, the local enterprise had concluded a contract for organization of the festival with a company. The company rented the trampoline from the owner of funfair equipment under a subcontract. They then concluded a contract with a physical person to mount the equipment on the playground. The trampoline overturned because of some yet unknown reasons like adverse weather conditions, or lack of measures taken to safely mount the equipment, or because there were too many children on it at the same time.

At the moment, a set of investigative operations are underway to find out all the details of the incident. Forensic medical inquiries have been assigned to find the degree of the bodily harm caused to the children. The investigators are questioning representatives of all organizations and companies involved in the organization of the party, witnesses, the injured children and their parents. The necessary documents concerning the organization of the celebration and the mounting of the equipment have been requested and are being analyzed. The investigators are going to find out all the reasons and conditions that made the incident possible. Requests will be filed with proper authorities and officials in order to prevent such incidents from happening in future. The investigation is ongoing.