
Investigative Committee and Military Sciences Academy sign cooperation agreement

Chairman of the RF Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin met President of the Military Sciences Academy General Makhmut Gareyev and other representatives of the Academy today to sign an agreement on cooperation between the Investigative Committee and the Academy. The meeting was also attended by President of the NGO Outstanding Military and Naval Commanders, state adviser of justice Alexander Sukharev.

During the meeting Mr. Bastrykin noted that such a dialogue “is a very important event for the Investigative Committee as we are entering into cooperation with an authoritative scientific institution that has a great potential of professional researchers, best minds of our army and navy. With all the difference of missions the Investigative Committee and the Academy have, we are united by the aspiration to make life purer, fairer, to protect history and our people against attacks, attempts to depreciate and slander the great deed of our people and the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War.”

Speaking about the areas of cooperation, the Chairman pointed out that “modern political and economic situation of Russia, higher number of missions for protecting law and order and for fighting crimes require from the Investigative Committee to look for some additional unused resources including active cooperation with different institutions, non-governmental and veteran organizations, use of their experience and capacities for patriotic education of the current generation of investigators.”

Makhmut Gareyev supported the Chairman’s aspiration for intensified patriotic education of the younger generation. The Academy’s scientists are ready to talk with cadets and students of universities of the Investigative Committee’s universities and with young investigators.

At the same time, the Chairman is convinced that “in the environment we are now living and working in, it is becoming more pressing and harder to keep and protect historical truth, to maintain military and information security.” “To win the fight for the minds of the young generation and not only come back to defensive positions, but to launch an all-out attack in a full-scale information war are our common duty,” Mr. Bastrykin stressed.

To conclude the meeting Mr. Bastrykin awarded Makhmut Gareyev medal “For Loyalty to Duty” and badge “Honored Professor of the RF Investigative Committee Academy”. Mr. Sukharev was awarded medal "For Pure Thoughts and Noble Actions“.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                            V.I. Markin