
In Omsk, members of gang selling fake alcohol detained

The Omsk Region Office of the Investigative Committee has initiated criminal proceedings against an organized criminal group suspected of production, storage with the purpose of selling and selling of goods and products that do not meet safe standards under Part 2, item “a” of Article 238 of the RF Penal Code.

According to investigators, in 2016, a group of at least 7 people, some of whom were related to each other, produced fake alcohol of an alcohol and water of poor quality, poured it into bottles, tuck to them labels of famous brands and fake federal stamps and then sold it. According to the conclusion of an expert, alcohol-containing liquid the suspects sold as premium-class vodka does not meet state standards and contains a toxic substance affecting nervous and respiratory systems, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and changes the morphological composition of peripheral blood and so is dangerous for human health.

On 29 January 2017, three of the suspects were detained red-handed upon poring fake alcohol into bottles in a van parked near a large supermarket in 70 let oktyabrya street in Omsk. Four other suspects were detained in a warehouse in 16 Voyenny Gorodok street in Omsk where they stored the products they made.

During a search, the investigators confiscated pouring equipment, federal special and documentary stamps with traces of forgery, accessories, bottles and more than 10 thousand bottles full of fake alcohol.

The case was opened based on the materials provided by the Omsk Region Office of the Interior Ministry.

The investigators have requested court today to place four of the suspects in custody pending trial. Investigative operations are underway to find out all the circumstances surrounding the crime and to identify all those involved in it.