
In Sverdlovsk Region, probe finished against rowdy passenger

The Ural Transport Office of the Investigative Committee has finished criminal proceedings against a passenger of Ural Airlines. The woman is charged with insulting a representative of authority on duty under Article 319 of the RF Penal Code.

According to investigators, on 14 March 2017, during customs examination at terminal A of Koltsovo airport by aerial safety inspectors found a bottle of vodka in the hand luggage of a 56-year-old woman headed to Moscow by flight U6-268 of Ural Airlines. The passenger ignored inspectors’ demand to hand in the bottle or leave it at the examination room. Police were called in and found that the woman was drunk, was using obscene language, disrupting public order, committing an administrative offence.

The transport police officers demanded the passenger to stop behaving in a disruptive manner, to show her documents and proceed to document check counter set at the entrance to terminal A in order to make a refusal to transport the passenger by the flight of Ural Airlines due to the passenger behaving in a disruptive manger and causing inconvenience to other passengers and then to proceed to the Koltsovo police station to make an administrative offence protocol. The woman refused to obey the police and used obscene language against a police officer in presence of other passengers.

She continued swearing while going to the document check counters.

The investigators have enough evidence, so the criminal case has been forwarded to the transport prosecutor for the indictment to be signed and will then be referred to court.