
The Investigative Committee of Russia will identify all those involved in the murder of cameraman Valery Kozhin

The Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia has opened a criminal case on the grounds of crimes under Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the RF (murder) and Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the RF (obstruction of lawful professional activities of journalists), in connection with the shelling of Gorlovka, as a result of which NTV television company cameraman Valery Kozhin was killed and military correspondent Alexei Ivliev was injured. As part of the investigation, the investigators will establish all the circumstances of the crime committed against media representatives, and identify all those involved in it.

Valery Kozhin and Alexei Ivliev were filming a report on the shelling of civilians by Ukrainian armed forces. During an attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine using a drone, they were injured and taken to the hospital. Unfortunately, Valery Kozhin could not be saved.

They were also covering the activities of the investigative authorities of the Investigative Committee of Russia in documenting the crimes committed by representatives of the Kyiv regime. Their professional duty wouldn’t let them to stay indifferent, as they repeatedly returned to the conflict zone to objectively and truthfully inform viewers about the current events.

By order of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Valery Kozhin (posthumously) and Alexei Ivliev will be presented with departmental awards.

Employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia express their deep condolences in connection with the death of Valery Kozhin and wish a speedy recovery to Alexey Ivliev.