
Enlarged meeting of Investigative Committee board takes place

An enlarged meeting of the Russia’s Investigative Committee board on the results of the first half of the year 2013 has taken place today. The board chaired by Alexander Bastrykin was attended by Chairman of Chamber of Accounts Sergey Stepashin, personnel of the Central Office of the Russia’s Investigative Committee and heads of investigations divisions in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee in his report noted that the Investigative Committee acted under the strategic policy of the President of the Russian Federation directed at boost of economic growth, improvement of investment climate and financial system of the country. Speaking about statistics of work Mr. Bastrykin reported: “In the first half of the year investigators of the Committee had in their proceedings over 115 thousand criminal cases. More than 40 thousand of them were forwarded to court, about 5 thousand of them are cases over acts of corruption. In the first half of the year 484 persons of special legal status were prosecuted. They include over 300 deputies and elected heads of municipalities, 11 deputies of legislation bodies in the subjects of the Russian Federation, 1 judge, 9 staffers of prosecutor’s office, 63 lawyers, 50 investigators of different agencies.”

In his report Mr. Bastrykin also listed a number of topical initiatives of the Russia’s Investigative Committee, noting that the federal law drafted by the Committee introducing a new form of preliminary investigation – inquiry in shortened form – had entered into force. “This allows avoiding irrational use of efforts in investigating criminal cases where the accused agrees with indictment,” – stressed Mr. Bastrykin.

Besides, “government of the Russian Federation supported another one draft bill by the Investigative Committee designed to improve fight against crimes in the area of collection of taxes and premiums. It particularly provides for criminal responsibility for evading paying premiums to state-owned not budgetary foundations, establishment of open list of penal ways of evading paying taxes,” – said Chairman Bastrykin.

In addition, Mr. Bastrykin said: “It’s not a secret that today there are widespread schemes of business structuring, where the principal activities and assets subject to tax or premiums shifted to either sham organizations-residents, on which the tax is impossible to levy, or to controlled companies registered in off-shore low-tax jurisdictions, with which they have agreements on avoiding double taxation. Due to this, the country’s budget does not get large sums of money. To tackle this problem the Russia’s Investigative Committee has drafted a bill providing introducing a direct ban on such actions based on abuse of civil rights by taxpayers.”

“At the same time proposals were made to improve anti-corruption legislation to prevent possible abuses in privatization of state property and a number of other measures directed at enhancing fighting against economic crimes. A group of deputies brought forward to State Duma a bill developed by the Investigative Committee and providing for introduction of legal responsibility for creation and management of financial pyramids. There were also offered integral measures on deoffshorization of Russian economy and counteraction to illegal withdrawal of capital.”

Presenting his report Mr. Stepashin noted high level of cooperation between the Russia’s Investigative Committee and Chamber of Accounts. Assessing the work of the Committee the Chairman of the Chamber of Accounts said: “The Investigative Committee has stood on its own feet and has become powerful, professional and I would say tough structure which might have left behind many others in the fight against crimes.” Mr. Stepashin also awarded Mr. Bastrykin the award of Femida (Themis) foundation for contribution and creation of democratic society and development of institutions of constitutional state.

The board actively discussed the progress and results of investigation of criminal cases, practice of reception for citizens and other questions connected with the activity of the Russia’s Investigative Committee.

Head of Media Relations V.I. Markin