
Ruslan Ismailov charged with the 2012 terrorist attack at traffic police checkpoint in Makhachkala to stand trial in Dagestan

The North Caucasian Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has finished investigating a criminal case against Ruslan Ismailov. He is charged with crimes under part 2 of article 210 of the RF Criminal Code (organization of a criminal community (criminal organization) or membership in it), paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 205 (terrorist attack), part 3 of article 222 (illegal circulation of arms) and part 2 of article 318 (use of violence against a representative of the authority).

According to investigators, in the period between October 2010 and June 2012, Ismailov, guided by the motive of armed battle against Russian state in the North Caucasus, local authorities and Russian law-enforcement, police and intelligence services by attacking citizens and organizations, took part in religious extremism organized group called Shamkhalsky Sector which was a part of a criminal community Vilayat Dagestan. Ismailov took part in a terrorist attack on 3 may 2012, by blowing up two cars near the Dagestan traffic police checkpoint in Kammayev Street in Makhachkala. 14 people were killed and more than 80 were injured in this terrorist attack, including police officers, rescuers of the Russian Emergency Ministry and other people. The blows also caused considerable damage of 20 million rubles to people and organizations.

In addition in the stated period of time, Ismailov took part in illegal circulation of firearms and ammunition committed by an organized group.

During arrest ismailov resisted and used violence against a police officer of Makhachkala Office of the Russian Interior Ministry, he, however, was apprehended and delivered to the law-enforcement bodies. Later Ismailov concluded a pre-trial cooperation agreement.

Investigators have gathered enough evidence, therefore, the criminal case with the approved indictment has been sent to court to be tried on the merits.