
Two officers in Novosibirsk suspected of causing state damage of over 128 million rubles

Military Investigations Department in Novosibirsk garrison of the Russia’s Investigative Committee has launched a criminal case against head of 9th Center of customer – builder of internal troops of the Russian Interior Ministry in Siberian Region (hereinafter 9th Center) Colonel Vladimir Vorobyov and senior engineer of the production and technical group of this organization Captain Chingis Danzanov. They are suspected of a crime under part 3 of article 285 of the RF Criminal Code (abuse of office involving grave consequences).

In 2009, the Department of Capital Building of Siberian regional headquarters of internal troops of the Russia’s Interior Ministry concluded with ZAO Investment and Building Corporation “Zayeltsovskaya” (CJSC) (hereinafter – the general contractor) a state contract on building in the city of Novosibirsk a residential building with an underground car park, a transformer substation and a sewage and pup station. Under the contract all the works should have been finished no later than March 2012 and the price should have been about 706.7 million rubles. Later the deadline was shifted to November 2012 and the price of the contract was made by 43.3 million rubles more expensive.

Vorobyov and Danzanov (who earlier were head and senior engineer of the production and technical group of the Department of Capital Building of Siberian regional headquarters of internal troops of the Russia’s Interior Ministry, which was renamed in 2009 9th Center of customer – builder of internal troops of the Russian Interior Ministry in Siberian Region), who had several times visited the building site and had a real idea of the amount of work completed, signed certificates of completion with false information in them. On the bases of these documents more than 750 million rubles were transferred to the account of the general contractor. Meanwhile, the specialists estimate the work done as over 128 million rubles.

During the searches in the suspects’ flats and offices and in the office of ZAO Investment and Building Corporation “Zayeltsovskaya” the investigators seized documents concerning the execution of the state contract and computer data carriers. The suspects are on a pledge to present themselves as a procedural coercive measure.