
Hitman who killed Chancellor of Saint-Petersburg State Service and Economics University Alexander Viktorov to stand trial

Northwestern Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee carries on investigating a criminal case over September 5, 2012 murder of Chancellor of Saint-Petersburg State Service and Economics University Alexander Viktorov in Vsevolzhsk, Leningrad Region.

According to investigators Vyachslav Makarov, Vitaly Kovalyov, and 39-year-old Andrey Yeliseyev from Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region received an order to kill Alexander Viktorov from a mediator. Having found the victim’s residence place, during 2 weeks the hitmen studied his day schedule, traveling schemes and planned the crime carefully. Kovalyov found a pistol with a silencer and cartridges to it. According to information of the investigation, the motive was commercial activity of the University headed by Viktorov. On 5 September 2012, Yeliseyev and Makarov arrived in the town of Vsevolzhsk in Leningrad Region to commit the murder with the gun given them by Kovalyov. Yeliseyev broke into sector No 6 in Yagodny Lane in Vsevolzhsk, where Viktorov lived, waited when the man got home and shot him no less than 5 times. The Chancellor died on the spot. After that Yeliseyev wounded Viktorov’s wife so that she could not prevent him from fleeing the scene.

At present all three perpetrators are in custody. The criminal case against Yeliseyev has been severed into a separate law suit. He is charged with crimes under paragraph “h” of part 2 of article 105 of the RF Criminal Code (murder for hire), part 1 of article 112 (deliberate cause of average bodily harm), part 1 of article 222 (illegal purchase and storage of firearms).

Investigators have gathered enough evidence and accordingly the criminal case against Yeliseyev with the approved indictment has been forwarded into court to be tried on the merits.

Investigators carry on discovering and identifying the mediator and the person who ordered the murder. Investigation against Kovalyov and Makarov is on the finishing stage.