
Hitman who killed Chancellor of Saint-Petersburg State Service and Economics University Alexander Viktorov convicted

Court has found the evidence gathered by the investigating bodies of the Northwestern Federal District Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee sufficient to pass a guilty sentence to a resident of the town of Novokuznets of Kemerovo Region Andrey Yeliseyev. He was found guilty of crimes under articles 105, 112 and 222 of the RF Penal Code (murder, deliberate infliction of average bodily harm, illegal purchase and storage of firearms).

The court and the investigators have found that Andrey Yeliseyev was hired to kill Alexander Viktorov. Having found the victim’s residence place, during 2 weeks he studied his day schedule, traveling schemes and planned the crime carefully.

On 5 September 2012, Yeliseyev and Makarov arrived in the town of Vsevolzhsk in Leningrad Region to commit the murder with the gun and a silencer given them by Kovalyov. During the probe the investigators found that the gun, which resembled Makarov pistol, had been remade from a gas pistol by replacing its original barrel by a rifled one.

Yeliseyev broke into the house in Vsevolzhsk, where Viktorov lived, waited when the man got home and shot him no less than 5 times. The Chancellor died on the spot as a result of his injuries. After that Yeliseyev wounded Viktorov’s wife so that she could not prevent him from fleeing the scene.

According to the investigators the motive was commercial activity of the University headed by Viktorov.

The criminal case against Ueliseyev was severed into a separate lawsuit.

The investigation of cases against Vitali Kovalyov and Vyachelsav Makarov has been finished, they and their defenders are now studying the files. Kovalyov is charged with of organization of two crimes, Makarov – of complicity in and incitement of two crimes, including Viktorov’s murder.

The court sentenced Yeliseyev to 13 years in a maximum-security penal facility. The court also awarded the victim 2 million rubles partially satisfying her civil action.