
Staff of Ingushetia Investigations Directorate of Russia’s Investigative Committee visited Great Patriotic War veteran

The staff of the Ingushetia Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian federation visited a Great Patriotic War veteran Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov.

Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov was born on October 10, 1924 in the village of Surkhakhi, Nazran District, Ingushetia Autonomous Region, Mountain ASSR. He attended the local seven-year school from an early age, as his peers, he helped his parents with chores. At the end of June 1941, almost immediately after the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov, who was under 18 at that time, was drafted as a private in the Red Army. As part of the infantry squad of the 47th Infantry Brigade he took part in the heroic defense of Moscow. "It was freezing cold outside, about minus 35 degrees, - says Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov, - vehicles were getting frozen and people were freezing. German forces approached Moscow at a distance less than 20 kilometers, but then we realized that the Nazis were not ready for combat operations in winter conditions. We also suffered from the cold, but we knew that Moscow was behind us, we had nowhere to retreat. The Soviet Command brought fresh troops from the Urals and Siberia, and December 5, the fascist offensive was stopped by our strenuous efforts". December 6, the Red Army went on the offensive, preventing the Germans consolidating in the occupied positions. Then a general offensive of the Soviet troops began, and, in the winter of 1941-1942, our troops have moved 150-400 kilometers west, completely eliminating the threat to the Soviet capital. A group of German troops near Moscow was completely destroyed. For courage and heroism in the defense of Moscow, Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree.

In early 1942, Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov was sent to Belarus to organize a guerrilla movement; in a short time, he became the commander of the multinational guerrilla unit consisting of more than 100 people. The first time they faced an acute shortage of weapons, ammunition and medicines. Due to lack of explosives, the so-called "devil's kitchens" began to work; the partisans were getting trinitrotoluene by melting artillery shells and then used it to make bombs. Over two years under his command, the unit had derailed more than 15 enemy trains loaded with ammunition, equipment, fuel and manpower, destroyed 1,500 German soldiers and officers and more than 50 Nazi agents, spies, traitors and policemen. Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov was wounded twice and both times his comrades in arms persuaded him with great difficulty to go in hospital. During this period he was awarded another decoration - the Medal "For Courage". In early 1944, Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov was suddenly called back home to Ingushetia, where like the rest of the Ingush people, he heard terrible news about the forced resettlement in Kazakhstan. September 28, 1956, Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov and his family returned from Kazakhstan to Ingushetia, where he worked as a builder during the following 27 years, brought up with three sons, six daughters, 28 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

The staff of the Ingushetia Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia congratulated the veteran on the Victory Day, presented gifts to him and wished Magomed Khasultanovich Medarov good health and long life, and most importantly, expressed gratitude for his invaluable contribution to the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.