
Solemn meeting dedicated to Victory Day held at Kaluga Region Investigations Directorate

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Directorate Vladimir Efremenkov. He congratulated the staff on the Day of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, read congratulations at the address of the staff of the Investigations Directorate.

Agency staff remembered the basic stages of the struggle for peace, inherited by the Soviet people at great cost. Poems and songs about the war were performed.

The Kaluga Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation congratulates colleagues, pensioners, veterans of the investigative bodies and their families on the Victory Day!

The Victory Day is a special holiday for all generations combining the joy of victory and the bitterness of loss. On this day, all Russians are united by patriotism and pride in their great power and its invincible people. The names of defenders who gave their lives to protect the freedom and independence of our Motherland will remain forever in the memory of people!

The Victory Day has become a symbol of national pride for us. This holiday is in the heart of everyone who knows the price of peace, who puts the honor and freedom of the motherland above all else.