
Solemn meeting devoted to 69th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War held at Vologda Region Investigations Directorate

May 8, 2014, a solemn meeting devoted to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held at the Vologda Region Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The Head of the Investigations Directorate Major-General of Justice E. Zaynak congratulated the audience on the upcoming of the Victory Day, thanked the guests of honor and, through them, war veterans, home front workers, people who grew up during the Great Patriotic War and in the postwar years, for their courage, self-sacrifice and a huge contribution to the victory of our country over fascism and for its recovery.

A Great Patriotic War veteran Lev Alexandrovich Zapechin, a home front worker Vasily Vasiliyevich Kozlov and a representative of the veteran’s organization Sergey Nikolayevich Noskov spoke at the meeting.

Pupils of the secondary school № 28 of Vologda, where it is planned to establish a cadet class under the patronage of the Investigations Directorate this year, congratulated the veterans by giving a holiday concert.

The people present at the meeting observed a minute of silence in memory of soldiers, home front workers and veterans who had died before this day.

The veterans presented at the meeting received gifts and flowers.