
Together with public council member, war veteran, honored artist, staff of Altai Territory Investigations Directorate of Investigative Committee of Russia laid flowers at Memorial of Glory

A solemn meeting dedicated to the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War over the Nazi invaders took place at the Altai Territory Investigations Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

A ceremony of oath taking by young investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation coincided with the commemorative date. In a solemn atmosphere, after swearing allegiance to Russia and the Law, investigators heard greetings and parting words from the head of the investigations Directorate Major General of Justice Yevgeny Dolgalev. He noted that taking the oath on the eve of the most important holiday of our country imposes certain responsibilities on young professionals - they will remember this day for all their lives. Honesty, fairness, and respect for the law and citizens of the country are the most important thing they should be guided by in their future career!

After the celebrations, together with a member of the Public Council of the Investigations Directorate, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, an honored artist, 92-year-old Vladimir Kirillovich Shkil, senior officials of the Directorate and heads of the investigations subunits of the Altai Territory laid flowers and a wreath at the Memorial of Glory to soldiers who had been killed during the Second World War.

In addition, employees of the Investigations Directorate visited an art exhibition dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, where themed pictures painted by Vladimir Kirillovich Shkil occupied a special place. In his life, a great role was played by the war. Vladimir kirillovich Shkil started his combat career in August 1940 with preparing reconnaissance groups for special assignments and ended it with the victory over Japan in the World War II in September 1945. He was awarded numerous medals for military merit and the Order of the Patriotic War.