
In Pskov Region Investigative Committee employees participated in Victory Day celebrations

May 8, 2014, a solemn rally devoted to the celebration of the 69th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held near Pskov, where a mass grave of Soviet soldiers who died fighting the fascists is located.

It was traditionally attended by veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, residents of the Pskov Region, dignitaries, the clergy, representatives of law enforcement agencies and the media.

1834 Red Army soldiers are buried there, among them there are 108 officers and 1,726 sergeants and soldiers. The Hero of the Soviet Union i. Korovin, who repeated the feat of A.Matrosov (Pskov Region) near the village of Zhidilov Bor, is also buried there.

The head of the Investigations Directorate spoke at the ceremony. He expressed gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Wreaths and flowers were laid at the memorial.

On eve of the celebrations, Investigations Directorate employees and local residents had improved the territory of the military burial and the surrounding areas.