
In Moscow investigation started in death of passenger in Sheremetyevo airport

The investigating bodies of Moscow Interregional Transport Investigations Directorate of the Russia’s Investigative Committee have launched a criminal investigation in a crime under part 2 of article 109 of the RF Penal Code (reckless homicide due to improper discharge of professional duties) after a man died at Sheremetyevo airport.

According to preliminary reports, on 17 August 2014, the man born in 1989 and his wife were returning from holiday on a plane traveling from Barcelona to Chelyabinsk. During the flight the man felt bad. The captain decided to make an emergency landing at Sheremetyevo, so that the passenger could get medical aid. He notified the terrain services about his decision. The plane landed about 4:30 AM, 18 August 2014. The man received medical aid, however he died at 6:30 AM.

During the probe investigators are going to assess timeliness and completeness of aid provided to the victim by the officials and medical personnel. At present the investigators are fixing necessary tests, questioning witnesses and establishing all the circumstances of the incident. The investigation is ongoing.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                      V.I. Markin