
Investigative Committee Chairman visits patronized children’s home in Murom

Chairman of the Russia’s Investigative Committee Alexander Bastykin has visited Murom children’s home patronized by the Central Office of the Committee.

During the visit Mr. Bastrykin talked with children and gave them presents. He said words of support and gratitude to the administration and all staff of the facility for their hard, but much needed work and daily care they surround children with. Besides, Mr. Bastrykin discussed with the facility’s administration current problems, measures to be taken to improve cooperation and further assistance.

Officials of the Investigative Committee have been patronizing Murom children’s home for several years. They use only their personal funds to finance presents for children and repairs and redecoration of the facility. Almost all regional investigations directorates patronize children’s homes or other children’s social facilities, including institutions for orphans, physically challenged children, children with metal disorders and children left without parental care. The assistance is not limited by presents for holidays. If necessary officials of investigating bodies take measures to organize highly qualified medical aid to seriously ill inmates and assistance in their education and adjustment after their release from institutions.

Head of Media Relations                                                                                                                                   V.I. Markin